DSP Development Corp.
One Kendall Square Building 100
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-577-8211 Fax
Contact: Sales Dept.

DADiSP is the first graphical, general purpose productivity software for scientists and engineers. DADiSP allows users to manipulate and analyze large amounts of data in graphical or tabular format. With DADiSP, users can perform various complex operations and view results in multiple windows, up to 100 windows in each worksheet.

DADiSP includes hundreds of data reduction, mathematical, statistical, Fourier transform, peak analysis, and graphical tools. Users also can define new functions and automate DADiSP sessions. The program includes an enhanced user interface, an extensive set of matrix math and statistical functions, powerful 3-D and 4-D plotting capabilities, and presentation-quality output.

DADiSP's unique user interface combines a comprehensive series of pop-up menus and icon buttons in a spreadsheet-like environment that enables the user to build sophisticated programs merely by using a mouse. The spreadsheet environment supports rapid modification and the ability to test "what if" scenarios.

DADiSP's applications include research and development, test and measurement, noise and vibration analysis and control, mechanical testing and inspection, power transmission, motion control, design, manufacturing, materials evaluation, and quality control. DADiSP is widely used in the automotive, aerospace, medical and utilities industries.

Compatibility: All Sun SPARC Open Look Systems, Motif GUI Solaris I & II